Nietzsche, C. S. Lewis & the Knightly Ideal

Eddie Ejjbair
4 min readAug 14, 2023

Nietzsche often spoke of nobility, of knightly values, or, more specifically, ‘knightly-aristocratic values’. He saw in it the origin of the concept ‘good’, which he equated with strength, beauty and happiness: ‘good = noble = powerful = beautiful = happy = beloved of God’. These knightly-aristocratic values ‘presupposed a powerful physicality, a flourishing, abundant, even overflowing health, together with that which serves to preserve it: war, adventure, hunting, dancing, war games, and in general all that involves vigorous, free, joyful activity’.

According to Nietzsche, a ‘slave revolt in morality’ inverted these knightly values, claiming that the ‘wretched alone are the good’, that ‘the suffering, deprived, sick, ugly alone are pious’, while ‘the powerful and noble, are on the contrary the evil, the cruel, the lustful, the insatiable, the godless to all eternity; and you shall be in all eternity the unblessed, accursed, and damned!’. Thus, pity, patience, industriousness and humility are honored in opposition to the knightly-aristocratic values.

‘Fight of knights in the countryside’ (1824) by Eugène Delacroix

What Nietzsche misunderstood, however, was that knightly values were a synthesis of these two concepts of the ‘good’. As C. S…

