Thanks for the comment Samuel.
In the title and in the preface to Twilight of the Idols, he doesn't use the word stimmhammer, he deliberately uses the word hammer - 'an die hier mit dem Hammer wie mit einer Stimmgabel gerührt wird' [which are here touched with a hammer as with a tuning fork]. He is testing them to see if they are 'hollow', and if they are, the hammer would likely smash them. If he was tuning them (I don't even know what that would mean), why wouldn't he just say stimmhammer?
Nietzsche referred to himself as a nihilist, and characterised his own philosophy as an annihilation - at least in the early stage of his writing:
'I have only quite recently admitted to myself that I was the quintessential nihilist all along: the energy and radicalism with which I progressed as a nihilist deceived me about this fundamental fact'
'Nihilism is the condition of strong minds and wills; and to such it is not possible to stop at negative ‘judgements’; for their nature demands negative actions. Annihilation by judgement is accompanied by annihilation by hand'
You have honestly never heard Nietzsche referred to as a conservative? The same man who wrote:
'Deep reverence for age and the traditional–all law rests on this twofold reverence–belief in and prejudice in favour of ancestors and against descendants, is typical of the morality of the powerful; and when, conversely, men of ‘modern ideas’ believe almost instinctively in ‘progress’ and ‘the future’ and show an increasing lack of respect for age, this reveals clearly enough the ignoble origin of these ‘ideas’'
It is true that he has been co-opted by both the left and the right (which I've written about here but that is because he is admittedly full of contradictions.